You can ask us here for more informations, don’t hesitate to ask your questions by completing the form.
You can ask us here for more informations, don’t hesitate to ask your questions by completing the form.
68 Chemin du droit
88160 Le Thillot
+33 6 84 99 81 59
You can find here some answers for frequently asked questions:
Where can I find the best price for a stay Aux Douces Heures des Vés?
It's here, on our website naturally!! No intermediaries so no additionnal price.
When can I come in my accomodation?j
You can come from 5pm.For an arrival between 8pm and 10 pm, please inform us. The proprietress can decide to refuse people after 10pm.
When must I free the accomodation?
The cottage must be free at 10:00 and rooms at 10:30.