
You can ask us here for more informations, don’t hesitate to ask your questions by completing the form.


68 Chemin du droit
88160 Le Thillot


+33 6 84 99 81 59


Write Us:

    Name :

    Email :

    Message :

    document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() );

    Frequently ask questions:

    You can find here some answers for frequently asked questions:

    Where can I find the best price for a stay Aux Douces Heures des Vés?

    It's here, on our website naturally!! No intermediaries so no additionnal price.

    When can I come in my accomodation?j

    You can come from 5pm.For an arrival between 8pm and 10 pm, please inform us. The proprietress can decide to refuse people after 10pm.

    When must I free the accomodation?

    The cottage must be free at 10:00 and rooms at 10:30.